28 Dhul Qaʿdah, 1445


A closer look at reported statistics reveals that over 80000 Shia militias were brought by Iran from all over the Middle East to Syria. The terrible massacres committed by the Shia militia are on the hands of the Iranian leadership, including Raisi. Muslims were buried alive in Syria because they refused to say that Bashar Assad is God, Na’ūdhubillāh. Shia in Syria have bombed the graves of Sayyidunā Khālid bin Walīd رضيالله عنه and Umar bin ‘Abdul ‘Azīz رضيالله عنه, aside from the common Shia practice of throwing shoes on the grave of Sayyidunā Muʿāwiyah رضيالله عنه.

Maulānā Shabbīr Ahmed Saloojee, Maulānā Abdul Hamīd Ishāq and Muftī Ebrahim Salejee, Attending the Funeral of the Ithnā ‘Asharī. May 28, 2024.