26 Dhul Qaʿdah


You idiots. I hate you fools. Pardon me for being upset about this. Those two plus years were hard! And while the nation is busy celebrating the latest presidential courtroom drama… This man is telling you exactly what you didn’t want to hear because you were too busy breathing in your own breath.

This story, shared by the Mujlisul ʿUlama of South Africa and published by the South African news outlet Independent Online [1] can be authoritatively corroborated by the transcript highlights released by the “COVID Select Subcommittee” of the United States House Committee on Oversight and Accountability. The relevant portions of the question and answer between the US congress and Dr. Fauci can be read in its entirety.

Everything occurs by the decree of Allāh. Material barriers and physical distances cannot thwart His Taqdīr. A Washington Post story written by Dan Diamond and published on June 2 is appropriately titled, “In the pandemic, we were told to keep 6 feet apart. There’s no science to support that.” The article cites the following:

“There was no magic around six feet,” Robert R. Redfield, who served as CDC director during the Trump administration, told a congressional committee in March 2022. “It’s just historically that’s what was used for other respiratory pathogens. So that really became the first piece” of a strategy to protect Americans in the early days of the virus, he said.

The federal COVID-19 guidelines were based off of politicial and scientific conjectures that are the consequences of Atheism and Modernism.

Fear of death force the American populace—and the entire world—toward the error of accepting what reason and Imān-bil-Qadr prove to be falsehood. The Mujlisul ʿUlama were the vanguard in directing the Muslim Ummah toward the Haqq about the COVID pandemic. By parroting the narrative dispensed by the likes of Fauci’s National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases and the associated Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the scholars of evil, treachery and deceit pacified the masses by appealing to our fears, insecurities and deficiency of tawwakul in Allāh.

  1. You have to click the title of this blog post to access the story that I’m talking about here.  ↩