The Religion of Atheism
This religion of atheism is the religion of the so-called “educated, civilised, distinguished class” that are in possession of the “reins” of this life in most of the Islaamic lands, even though not all of them are on the same level in terms of their belief in it and their zeal for it.
Among them, no doubt, are those who believe in Allaah and accept Islaam as their Deen; however, unfortunately, the characteristic of this “class” (of society) which it (atheism) has conquered, and the religion of most of its members and leaders, is the religion of materialism and the philosophy of the Western life that is based on atheism.
— Maulānā Abūʾl Hasan ʿAlī Nadwī رحمة الله عليه, Apostasy, and No Abū Bakr to Deal with It. (Circa 1380 A.H. Published 1445 A.H.)