Israel's looming downfall
I’ve been working on this for almost a week. I hope this makes sense. Inshāʾa Allāh I may share some follow ups.
Contrary to the colossal and monumental LIES disgorged by the mainstream Yahood media and by Israel, the Yahoodi Khanaazeer are suffering heavy losses on the Battlefield. The Battlefield is invariably chosen by the Mujahideen. The battlefield is not the buildings, hospitals, water facilities, etc. which the cowardly Yahood are mercilessly destroying from the safety of the air.
Civilians and patients in hospitals being murdered by the Israeli soldiers are not battlefield successes and accomplishments. The thousands of civilian men, women, children and hospital patients and doctors massacred and destroyed by the Israeli Jews are not battlefield successes.
The Israeli military and airforce are engaging in only murder, and massacre and inhuman crimes and brutality on unarmed civilians. On the Battlefields chosen by the Mujahideen there is an entirely different scenario prevailing.
— The Mujlisul ʿUlamāʾ of South Africa, “MUJAHIDEEN INFLICTING LOSSES ON ISRAEL”. 6 Jumāda al-Ulā, 1445 (November 20, 2023).
After nine months of battle, which from the Israelī side has only served to further consume the lives of Palestinians and sully their domestic and foreign reputation, a strategic deescalation of military operations from the Zionist state is imminent. For all intents and purpose—at least according to Israel, the U.S., their allies and the mainstream international media—the war in Palestine will end. However the conflict on the Gaza Strip will wage on.
“The Israeli Plan”
This Israeli plan is nothing but a mirage, and a sham presented by Netanyahu from the position of a defeated person who lacks capabilities and qualifications. It is a plan to create the image of an illusion of victory, and the Occupying state will not be able to escape defeat.
— Abdul Majeed Swailem, “The Israeli plan has now been exposed”. Middle East Monitor. July 3, 2024.
What is being reported as “the third phase” of the War in Gaza will enable the conflict to wage on without being impeded by immediate international pressure.
The stipulations of the tentative ceasefire are being manipulated to favour Israel. Despite the desire of current and former Israelī security officials to put an end to war, Prime Minister Netanyahu has made it clear that he is committed to continuing military operations in the Gaza Strip irrespective of the outcome of any peace negotiations, including a prisoner exchange deal.
“As a matter of national responsibility,” Netanyahu stated, “any proposed deal must allow us to return to combat in Gaza.” He further asserted that Tel Aviv would continue its military campaign in the region until all its objectives are achieved, “even if it takes time.”
— Muhammad Sio, “Netanyahu says any hostage deal with Hamas must allow Israel to resume fighting”. Andalou Agency. July 11, 2024.
Hamas’s perception as the aggressor on this occasion puts them at a clear disadvantage at the negotiation table. They have little to gain from bowing out of a war that in practice is a tactical victory in spite of the severe civilian losses and destruction caused by the Israel Defense Forces (which do not constitute the outcome war). The “end” of this war will put their long-term strategies into doubt and the future of their entire organization into question.
Israel’s “advanced” propaganda network will likely do much of the heavy lifting in attempt to refurbish the nation’s stained international image. The United States government and its media will also contribute it’s fair share of sanitizing the aftermath of the war by minimizing Israel’s military failures. None of this will undo how Israel exposed their capacity for bloodshed. They’ve unmasked themselves as the same tactless, unrepentant nation who mere months after seemingly submitting to then-President Ronald Reagan’s demands for a ceasefire during the Seige of Beirut in July of 1982, facilitated the murder of approximately 3,500 Palestinian and Lebanese civilians that following September in the Sabra Shatila massacre. Israel’s descent into a stadium of Allāh’s wrath is near.
We may also receive more reports concerning the notion that the Shiʾa state of Iran provoked Hamas’s October 2023 invasion as a way to indirectly halt Saudī ʿArabia’s signing of the Abraham Accords.
Similarly, Egypt has their own interests in the war. Egypt is keen on Israel’s desire to use them as an escape valve for Palestinian refugees via the Rafah Border Crossing between Egypt and Palestine. If these refugees were to enter into Egypt, then per Israelī law they would be barred from ever returning to their homeland. This plan was presented—and rejected—during the Cairo Peace Summit in 2023. The Egyptian-controlled crossing has been closed since May 2024 after it was invaded by Israel on the Palestinian end. It has particular significance in this war due to its use as a corridor for humanitarian aid. With it closed, Israelī’s control over Palestinian relief strengthens at the expense of what can be theorized as Egyptian relief from hands-on responsibilities in the present conflict.
The post-war operations that Israel has designed are designed to pit Palestinians against Hamas at the bargain of “restabilizing” the region. Israel has entertained the idea of relegating authority to influential Palestinian clans unaffiliated with Hamas.
The basic idea is that “Palestinians willing to denounce Hamas would be allowed to live in fortified areas guarded by the IOF and be given bribes in the form of aid and the right to rebuild their ruined homes,” Khadra told the Weekly.
The Israeli military and security agencies would work with non-Hamas Palestinians to establish isolated cantons in northern Gaza, in parts they believe that Hamas does not control. The Palestinian agents would be put in charge of distributing aid and other civilian duties.”
— Alaa Al-Mashharawi, “Third phase in the Gaza war”. Al Ahram Weekly. July 2, 2024.
This is largely contingent on these northern Palestinian clans’—who are predominantly merchants by trade—ability to resist Israel’s advances as the conflict carries on, as well as the longevity of Hamas’s influence in Gaza irrespective of whether they will remain in governance in the future.
Allāh chooses whoever He pleases to carry out His Decrees. Man possesses no insight into His Taqdīr.
No power or nation endures forever. Aggressors and murderers of communities fail miserably to heed the lessons of history. Empires have come and disappeared in the dustbins of history. The sign of the ruin and destruction of a nation is its commission of injustice, brutality and genocide. The Sages of Islam have said: “A nation can endure with even kufr, but not with zulm.”
— The Mujlisul Ulamā of South Africa, ISRAEL ON THE WAY OF ITS OWN DESTRUCTION. 13 Dhul Hijjah, 1445 (June 20, 2024).